Driven and Skilled Engineer

Software Engineer: I create apps in Python on Flask + Django, Ruby on Rails, and JavaScript React-Redux. Continuous improvement advocate: I utilize my experience at large and small companies to develop capable, useful, and durable products on short schedules.

In my last career I worked as a mechanical engineer on helicopter engines and electric motorcycles. Developing those products instilled in me precision and a love of small teams.


  • Python, Python on Flask/Django
  • Ruby, Ruby on Rails
  • Frontend/Backend/Full Stack Develoment
  • Javascript: React-Redux, jQuery, ES5/ES6
  • Voice Assistants and Chat Bots
  • Natural Lanugage Understanding (NLU)
  • Speech to Text (STT), Text to Speech (TTS)
  • Speech and Text Translation
  • Slack Bots, Microsoft Bot Framework, IBM Watson Assitant
  • Docker/Serverless
  • HTML5, CSS, Heroku, Git
  • PostgreSQL, SQL


python-experimental api client generator 

Lets developers auto generate a python client for their api defined with an openapi spec file

  • Has type hints, runtime type checking, payload values not coerced
  • Has robust composition: oneOf/allOf/anyOf/not + spec naming kept
  • Inline schemas of any depth at any location work

Orion Translator 

A bot which translates your speech from English to Spanish or Spanish to English in real time.

  • Real time language translation using 3rd party services
  • Command detection using natural language understanding
  • Input and service errors handled gracefully

Orion IFTTT Action and Trigger 

Lets users build applets which listen for spoken words /phrases or say phrases in Orion.

  • Python3 Flask service, oauth client, and voice service
  • Vends core functionality, testing, and service status
  • 11 endpoints, realtime API webhook triggering


A python3 library to stretch metal parts. This library wraps around the solver Calculix and the mesher gmsh.

  • Built useful python workflow around 2 binary tools
  • Distributed library on pypi and github
  • Wrote examples, docs, installer, and tests

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